The movie Classified, directed by Roel Reine, takes us through the journey of Evan Shaw, an undercover agent who faces a shocking reality. He thought he was working for his country, doing the right thing for the safety of the nation. But through some unexpected events, Evan discovers that he was not working for the CIA, but rather for a private organization. This betrayal changed everything for Evan, and he began questioning his entire career. Let’s break down the story and explain the major twists in the movie.
Who Was Evan Shaw Working For?
At the start of the film, Evan Shaw believed he was a CIA agent. His handler, Kevin Angler, gave him orders to kill people who were supposedly threats to the nation. However, Evan didn’t know that this was a lie. He was actually working for a private party that had no connection with the CIA.
While on a mission, Evan noticed that a woman was following him. He made her aware that he saw her but didn’t take any action at that moment. Later, during his mission in Italy, that same woman, named Kacey, confronted him in his hotel room. She attacked him and revealed shocking information. Kacey claimed she was from MI6 and had been tracking him for a long time. She also mentioned a woman named Monica Walker, who had worked in her unit.
This moment shook Evan, and he started to question everything. Monica Walker wasn’t just anyone to him. She was his partner, someone he loved deeply, and they had even planned to marry. Unfortunately, Monica died, and Evan was devastated.
Was Evan Being Deceived?
Kacey told Evan that the division he worked for, the so-called “US tourism division” under the CIA, didn’t actually exist. She believed he was being deceived. This was a huge blow to Evan, who had always believed he was working for the greater good. But Kacey didn’t just stop there. She presented more evidence that left Evan feeling more confused and betrayed.
Evan received a call from his employer while he was in Malta, who warned him that Kacey wasn’t actually from MI6. Evan needed answers and wanted to confront Kacey to find out her true intentions. He quickly realized that the safe house she had taken him to wasn’t a real government property, which only added to his suspicions.
That’s when Kacey dropped another bombshell on him. She revealed that Monica Walker, Evan’s deceased partner, was her mother, which made Evan her father. Evan was stunned by this revelation, as he had no idea that Kacey even existed.
What Was Evan’s Real Job?
Evan had spent his entire life believing he was a good soldier, fighting for his country. He told Kacey that he hadn’t been able to stay with Monica for long because he was committed to his work. But as Kacey dug deeper, she discovered a disturbing pattern. Evan had decoded “Classified” ads in the newspaper, which acted as a registry for all the people he had killed over the years.

Kacey noticed that while Evan had once been tasked with killing terrorists and mafia members, his recent targets included CEOs and scientists. This was a major shift, and it raised suspicions about who was really benefiting from these killings.
Why Did Evan Kill Sean Davis?
Kacey speculated that Evan had killed Sean Davis, a man from the sovereign military order of Malta, because Sean had been after Kevin Angler’s life. There was also a tape where Evan heard a conversation between Sean and Angler, in which Sean threatened to expose Angler’s secrets. This made it clear that Angler had been manipulating Evan for his own selfish gains.
Evan’s entire belief system started to crumble, and he felt an intense need to find the real mastermind behind everything.
Was Angler Really Dead?
Kacey informed Evan that she believed Angler had died. Evan, desperate for answers, started going through obituaries in newspapers. Interestingly, all the newspapers had the same obituary with the same picture, except for one, which had a different picture and note. Evan quickly figured out that it was some sort of code.

With Kacey’s help, Evan discovered that the Griffin Group, a Malta-based hedge fund, was behind everything. This company had been profiting from every killing Evan carried out. They decided to confront Antonio Griffin, the man who was pulling the strings.
Did Evan Get His Revenge?
In the climax of Classified, Evan finally found Angler alive. He was furious and wanted answers. Angler confessed to his greed and wrongdoings but before they could resolve anything, Griffin’s men attacked. Angler was killed in the shootout, but Evan and Kacey managed to escape.
Despite all the chaos, Evan wasn’t done. He wanted to end things for good. He broke into Griffin’s mansion and shot him dead, knowing that Griffin had caused the deaths of many innocent people.
What Happened to Evan and Kacey?
In the end, Evan realized that he wanted to protect Kacey, his daughter. He couldn’t be there for Monica, but now he had a chance to be a father to Kacey. He made the decision to stay with her and leave his dangerous past behind. However, before settling into a normal life, Evan made sure to finish what he had started by eliminating Griffin.

Evan’s journey in Classified was one of discovery, betrayal, and redemption. He started as a loyal soldier, believing in a cause that turned out to be false. In the end, he found a new purpose in protecting his daughter and living a peaceful life.
If a Classified sequel is made, it’s possible that Evan and Kacey could go on a mission together. But for now, Evan wants to retire and live the quiet, normal life he has always dreamed of.